More than one SAS Embedded
Process stack can be deployed on your cluster, but only one stack
can be activated at one time. After you run the SAS Deployment Manager
to create the SAS Embedded Process stack, follow these steps to deploy
an additional SAS Embedded Process stack when one already exists on
your cluster.
Restart the Ambari server
and log on to the Ambari manager.
In the Services panel,
a restart symbol appears next to SASEP SERVICE.
The Configs tab indicates that a restart
is required.
After the service is
restarted, the previous version of the SAS Embedded Process still
appears in the activated_version text box
on the Configs tab. All deployed versions
of the SAS Embedded Process stack should appear in the sasep_allversions text
The new version of the
SAS Embedded Process should now appear as the activated_version text
box on the Configs tab.
If, at any time, you
want to activate another version of the SAS Embedded Process stack,
follow these steps:
Enter the version number
in the
activated_version text box on the
Configs tab.
Add a note describing
your action (for example, “Changed from version 9.43.s01.1
to 9.43.s01.2”), and click
The new service is activated.
Review any additional
configuration that might be needed depending on your Hadoop distribution.
Validate the deployment
of the SAS Embedded Process by running a program that uses the SAS
Embedded Process and the MapReduce service. An example is a scoring
If you have licensed
and downloaded any of the following SAS software, additional configuration
is required:
SAS Data Loader for Hadoop
For more information,
see Part 3, “Administrator’s Guide for SAS Data Loader
for Hadoop”.
SAS High-Performance Analytics
For more information,
see SAS High-Performance Analytics Infrastructure: Installation
and Configuration Guide.