DISPLAY Statement

DISPLAY <group-spec group-options <, …, group-spec group-options>> ;

The DISPLAY statement displays fields in windows. The arguments to the DISPLAY statement are as follows:


specifies a group. It can be specified as either a compound name of the form windowname.groupname or a window name followed by a group of the form window-name (field-specs), where field-specs is as defined for the WINDOW statement.


can be any of the following:


displays the group with all fields protected so that no data can be entered in the fields.


repeats the group for each element of the matrices specified as field operands.


rings the bell, sounds the alarm, or causes the speaker in your workstation to beep when the window is displayed.

The DISPLAY statement directs PROC IML to gather data into fields defined in the window for purposes of display, data entry, or menu selection. The DISPLAY statement always refers to a window that has been previously opened by a WINDOW statement. The statement is described completely in Chapter 17.

The DISPLAY statement is described in detail in Chapter 17: Window and Display Features. Following are several examples that demonstrate the use of the DISPLAY statement:

display w(i);
display w ("BELL") bell;
display w.g1 noinput;
display w (i protect=yes
           j color="yellow");