Several SAS/IML statements support a WHERE clause that selects observations that satisfy specified criteria. The WHERE clause is supported by the following statements:
The WHERE clause conditionally selects observations that satisfy some criterion. The general form of the WHERE clause is
variable comparison-op operand ;
The arguments to the WHERE clause are as follows:
is a variable in the SAS data set.
is one of the following comparison operators:
less than
less than or equal to
equal to
greater than
greater than or equal to
not equal to
contains a given string
does not contain a given string
begins with a given string
sounds like or is spelled like a given string
is a literal value, a matrix name, or an expression in parentheses.
For example, a typical use of the WHERE clause is to subset data:
proc iml; use Sashelp.Class where(age>14); read all var {Age Weight} into X; close Sashelp.Class; print X[colname={"Age" "Weight"}];
Figure 7.24: Observations That Satisfy a Criterion
X | |
Age | Weight |
15 | 112.5 |
15 | 112 |
16 | 150 |
15 | 133 |
15 | 112 |
You can also use a WHERE clause in the READ statement. For example, to conduct BY-group processing of all the students in
the Sashelp.Class
data set, first call the FREQ procedure to find the unique BY groups, and then use a WHERE clause in a DO loop to read observations
from each BY group, as shown in the following example:
/* find unique BY combinations of Age and Sex */ proc freq data=Sashelp.Class; tables Age*Sex / out=freqout nocum norow nocol nopercent; run; proc iml; /* read unique BY groups */ use freqout; read all var {Age Sex}; close freqout; use Sashelp.Class; /* open data set for reading */ MeanHeight = j(nrow(Sex), 1); /* allocate vector for results */ do i = 1 to nrow(Age); /* for each BY group */ /* read data for the i_th group */ read all var {Height} where(Sex=(sex[i]) & Age=(age[i])); MeanHeight[i] = mean(Height); /* analyze this BY group */ end; close Sashelp.Class; print Age Sex MeanHeight[format=4.1];
Figure 7.25: BY-Group Processing
Age | Sex | MeanHeight |
11 | F | 51.3 |
11 | M | 57.5 |
12 | F | 58.1 |
12 | M | 60.4 |
13 | F | 60.9 |
13 | M | 62.5 |
14 | F | 63.6 |
14 | M | 66.3 |
15 | F | 64.5 |
15 | M | 66.8 |
16 | M | 72.0 |
The operand argument in a WHERE comparison can be a matrix. For the following operators, the WHERE clause succeeds if any of the elements in the matrix satisfy the condition:
=, ?, = :, = * |
For the following operators, the WHERE clause succeeds only if all the elements in the matrix satisfy the condition:
^=, ^?, <, <=, >, >= |
You can specify logical expressions within the WHERE clause by using the AND (&) and OR (|) operators. If clause is a valid WHERE expression, then you can combine expressions as follows:
Both conditions satisfied |
clause1 & clause2 |
Either condition satisfied |
clause1 | clause2 |
In the WHERE clause, the expression on the left side of a comparison operator refers to values of the data set variables, whereas the expression on the right side is a constant or SAS/IML matrix. Expressions that involve more than one data set variable in a single clause are not supported. For example, you cannot use either of the following expressions:
list all where(weight>height); /* not supported */ list all where(weight-height>0);/* not supported */