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Language Reference

ALL Function

ALL( matrix ) ;

The ALL function returns a value of 1 if all elements in matrix are nonzero. If any element of matrix is zero or missing, the ALL function returns a value of 0.

You can use the ALL function to express the results of a comparison operator as a single 1 or 0. For example, the following statement compares elements in two matrices:

a = { 1 2, 3 4};
b = {-1 0, 0 1};
if all(a>b) then 
   msg = "a[i,j] > b[i,j] for all i,j";
   msg = "for some element, a[i,j] is not greater than b[i,j]";
print msg;

Figure 23.32 Result of Comparing All Elements
a[i,j] > b[i,j] for all i,j

In the preceding statements, the comparison operation a>b creates a matrix of zeros and ones. The ALL function returns a value of 1 because every element of a is greater than the corresponding element of b.

The ALL function is implicitly applied to the evaluation of all conditional expressions, so in fact the previous IF-THEN statement is equivalent to the following:

if a>b then       /* implicit ALL */
   msg = "a[i,j] > b[i,j] for all i,j";
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