Overview of Modifying Co-located Hadoop

Some solutions, such as SAS Visual Analytics, rely on a SAS data store that is co-located with the SAS High-Performance Analytics environment on the analytics cluster.
The following figure shows the analytics environment co-located on a pre-existing Hadoop cluster. In this document, the NameNode is deployed on blade 0.
Analytics Cluster Co-located on the Hadoop Cluster
Analytics Cluster Co-located on the Hadoop Cluster
The SAS Plug-ins for Hadoop component provides services to your supported pre-existing Hadoop distribution that enable the SAS High-Performance Analytics environment to write SASHDAT file blocks evenly across the HDFS file system. This even distribution provides a balanced workload across the machines in the cluster and enables SAS analytic processes to read SASHDAT tables at very impressive rates.
With the exception of MapR Hadoop, modifying your supported Hadoop cluster for the analytics environment consists of the following steps:
  1. Make sure that your Hadoop distribution meets the requirements.
  2. Copy the SAS Plug-ins for Hadoop package to a temporary location and untar it.
  3. Propagate several files from the package to specific Hadoop directories on every machine in your cluster.
  4. Restart the HDFS service and any dependencies.
Last updated: June 19, 2017