Keyboard Shortcuts within the Enhanced Editor

The keyboard shortcuts that are listed here are the default shortcuts.
Default Keyboard Shortcuts for the Enhanced Editor
Keyboard Shortcut
Add a new abbreviation
Ctrl + Shift + A
Bring up word tip
Alt + F1 + No Selection
Hide the current word tip
Code Folding
Collapse all folding blocks
Alt + Ctrl + Number pad -
Collapse current line
Alt + Number pad -
Expand all folding blocks
Alt + Ctrl + Number pad +
Expand current line
Alt + Number pad +
Toggle expand current line
Alt + Number pad *
Command and Macro Support
Add or change macros
Ctrl + Shift + M
Execute the last recorded macro
Ctrl + F1
Play a command and macro
Alt + F8
Start and Complete macro
Alt + Shift + R
Copy selection
Ctrl + C
Cut selection
Ctrl + X
Delete current character
Note: You can delete the entire line by using SHIFT+END to extend the selection to the end of the line and pressing the delete or backspace key.
Delete previous character
Backspace or Shift + Backspace
Delete to next word start
Ctrl + Delete
Delete to previous word start
Ctrl + Backspace
Insert a carriage return
Paste from clipboard
Ctrl + V
Ctrl + Y
Alt + Shift + Backspace
Ctrl + Z
Alt + Backspace
Get Help for a SAS procedure
place the insertion point within a procedure name and press F1
Context Help
Line Markers
Go to the next marked line
Go to the previous marked line
Shift + F2
Toggle marker on the current line
Ctrl + F2
Go to line (interactive)
Ctrl + G
Move cursor to the top of the file
Ctrl + Page Up
Ctrl + Home
Move cursor to the bottom of the file
Ctrl + Page Down
Ctrl + End
Move cursor down
Move cursor down a page
Page Down
Move cursor left
Move cursor right
Move cursor to beginning of line
Move cursor to end of line
Move cursor to matching brace and parentheses
Ctrl + [
Ctrl + ]
Move cursor to matching DO and END keyword
Alt + [
Alt + ]
Move cursor to next case change
Alt + Right
Move cursor to next word start
Ctrl + Right
Move cursor to previous case change
Alt + Left
Move cursor to previous word start
Ctrl + Left
Move cursor up
Move cursor up a page
Page Up
Move cursor to the first visible line
Alt + Up
Move cursor to the last visible line
Alt + Down
Scroll screen down
Ctrl + Up
Scroll screen up
Ctrl + Down
Option Setting
Toggle insert and overwrite mode
Extend selection character left
Shift + Left
Extend selection character right
Shift + Right
Extend selection down
Shift + Down
Extend selection down a page
Shift + Page Down
Extend selection to beginning of document
Ctrl + Shift + Home
Ctrl + Shift + Page Up
Extend selection to beginning of line
Shift + Home
Extend selection to end of document
Ctrl + Shift + End
Ctrl + Shift + Page Down
Extend selection to end of line
Shift + End
Extend selection to next case change
Alt + Shift + Right
Extend selection to previous case change
Alt + Shift + Left
Extend selection up
Shift + Up
Extend selection up a page
Shift + Page Up
Extend selection to previous word start
Ctrl + Shift + Left
Extend selection to the next word start
Ctrl + Shift + Right
Select all
Ctrl + A
Selection Operations
Clean up whitespace characters
Ctrl + Shift + W
Comment the selection with line comments
Ctrl + /
Convert the selected text to lowercase
Ctrl + Shift + L
Convert the selected text to uppercase
Ctrl + Shift + U
Tab selection
Tab + Selection
Undo the Comment
Ctrl + Shift + /
Left Tab selection
Shift + Tab + Selection