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The SAS$ROOT Directory

Contents of the SAS$ROOT Directory

The SAS$ROOT directory contains the files required to use SAS. This directory includes invocation points, configuration files, sample programs, catalogs, data sets, and executable files. You do not need to know the organization of these directories to use SAS.

The following tables list the files and directories that are found in the SAS$ROOT directory:

SAS Files in the SAS$ROOT Directory
SAS File Description of Contents
SASSETUP.COM is the invocation point for SAS Setup, the installation program for SAS.
SASV9.CFG is the system configuration file for SAS.
SETINIT.SAS is the SAS program used for updating licensing information.

SAS Directories in the SAS$ROOT Directory
SAS Directory Description of Contents
CMACROS contains a catalog of SAS macros.
INSTALL contains configuration information about the current SAS installation. Do not remove or change the contents of this directory. Removing this directory will result in incorrect behavior for future sessions of the SAS Setup program and inhibit SAS Technical Support's ability to diagnose any problems that might arise.
MAPS contains SAS data sets that are mainly maps and feature tables that you can use with the GMAP procedure in SAS/GRAPH. The MAPS directory contains a few SAS catalogs, which are SAS/GIS examples. You can get additional map data sets from the SAS Maps Online application at
MISC contains subdirectories with miscellaneous product files, such as applets, fonts, and scripts.
NLS contains subdirectories for National Language Support. For example, the EN directory contains English versions of SAS files.
PICKLIST contains utility files used by SAS.
SAMPLES contains subdirectories for different SAS products. Each subdirectory contains sample SAS programs, but subdirectories are not created unless the product for the SAS samples are installed. Because the installation procedure lets the system administrator decide whether to copy the sample SAS programs, this directory might be empty.
SASAUTOS contains predefined SAS macros. See Autocall Libraries under OpenVMS.
SASEXE contains SAS executable images.
SASHELP contains the SAS help files, data sets, and catalogs.
SASMSG contains the SAS message files.
SASPGM contains components of SAS products.
SASTEST contains files that are used by the Feature Testing Tool.
UTILITIES.BIN contains start-up command procedures, configuration programs, and support files.
X11 contains the files needed to run SAS with the X Windows system. These files include bitmap files, online Help files, and resource files.

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