Customizing Session Workspace, Session Gravity, and Window Sizes in UNIX Environments

SAS uses the following resources to determine the size of the session workspace, the gravity of the workspace, and the size of the windows. The default values for these resources are listed in SAS Resources.
SAS.awsResizePolicy: grow | fixed
controls the policy for resizing AWS windows as interior windows are added and removed. The following values are valid:
the AWS window will attempt to grow any time an interior window is grown or moved, in order to show all interior windows, but it will not shrink to remove dead areas.
the AWS window will attempt to size itself to the size of the first interior window and will not attempt any further size changes.
SAS.maxWindowHeight: units
specifies the number of units for the maximum height of a window. The unit is specified by the SAS.windowUnitType resource.
SAS.maxWindowWidth: units
specifies the number of units for the maximum width of a window. The unit is specified by the SAS.windowUnitType resource.
SAS.noAWS: True | False
controls whether each of your application's windows appears in its own native window rather than in an application work space (AWS). The default is True; each application runs in its own native window.
SAS.scrollBarSize: pixels
specifies the default size of the scroll bar in pixels.
SAS.sessionGravity: value
controls the region of the screen where SAS will attempt to place its windows. This resource might be ignored by some window manager configurations. Possible values include the following:
  • CenterGravity
  • EastGravity
  • WestGravity
  • SouthGravity
  • NorthGravity
  • SouthEastGravity
  • NorthEastGravity
  • SouthWestGravity
  • NorthWestGravity
SAS.sessionGravityXOffset: offset
specifies an x offset to be added when SAS attempts to place a window in the gravity region.
SAS.sessionGravityYOffset: offset
specifies a y offset to be added when SAS attempts to place a window in the gravity region.
SAS.windowHeight: units
specifies the number of units for the default height of a window. The unit is specified by the SAS.windowUnitType resource.
SAS.windowUnitType: character | pixel | percentage
specifies the unit type for SAS.windowWidth, SAS.windowHeight, SAS.maxWindowWidth, and SAS.maxWindowHeight. Possible values include the following:
units specify the number of rows and columns.
units specify the number of pixels.
units specify the percentage of the screen.
SAS.windowWidth: units
specifies the number of units for the default width of a window. The unit is specified by the SAS.windowUnitType resource.