ECHO System Option: UNIX

Specifies a message to be echoed to the computer.
Valid in: configuration file, SAS invocation, SASV9_OPTIONS environment variable
Category: Log and procedure output control: SAS log
Default: none
UNIX specifics: all


-ECHO “message” | -NOECHO

Required Arguments

-ECHO “message
specifies the text of the message to be echoed to the computer. The text must be enclosed in single or double quotation marks if the message is more than one word. Otherwise, the quotation marks are not needed.
specifies that no messages are to be echoed to the computer.


Messages that result from errors in the autoexec file are printed in the SAS log regardless of how the ECHO system option is set.
You can specify multiple ECHO options. The strings are displayed in the order in which SAS encounters them. See How SAS Processes System Options Set in Multiple Places for information about how that order is determined.
For example, you can specify the following:
-echo "SAS 9.3 under UNIX is initializing."
The message appears in the Log window as SAS initializes.

See Also

System Options:
ECHOAUTO System Option in SAS System Options: Reference