Controls whether text is flowed when it is included, copied, or pasted.
Category: Text editing, command-line command



Without Arguments

The AUTOFLOW command is toggled on and off. Issue the command once to reverse the current setting. If the current setting is ON, then issuing the AUTOFLOW command changes the setting to OFF. If the current setting is OFF, then issuing the AUTOFLOW command changes the setting to ON.

Required Arguments

turns on the AUTOFLOW command in the window so that text flows when it is inserted in the window.
turns off the AUTOFLOW command in the window so that text retains its previous position when it is inserted in the window.


The AUTOFLOW command controls whether text inserted with the INCLUDE, PASTE, or COPY command automatically flows. When text is flowed, the left and right boundaries are determined by the settings that were specified with previous executions of the INDENT and BOUNDS commands. The AUTOFLOW command controls all text that is inserted in the window. It does not stop at paragraph boundaries.


The AUTOFLOW command controls whether text inserted in the window flows, while the TF command flows text that is already in the window.