contains the files required to use SAS. This directory includes invocation
points, configuration files, sample programs, catalogs, data sets,
and executable files. You do not need to know the organization of
these directories to use SAS.
contains the files and directories that are listed in the following
contains the invocation
scripts for each language listed in the
NLS directory.
This directory also contains the sasenv script that sets the environment
variables that are required by SAS. sasenv_local is the file that
you modify. sasenv_local is also the last file that SAS reads when
processing environment variables.
contains miscellaneous
components. This directory also contains components for various SAS
products, such as script files for
DEPLOYMENT directory
contains template files that are required by the SAS installation
program. These template files should not be altered. There is also
a SASSETUP directory, which contains
program scripts that are used by the sassetup utility in !SASROOT .
contains subdirectories
for national language and locale support. These directories include
DBCS (double-byte
character set), DE (–LOCALE
German), EN (–LOCALE en_US), ES (–LOCALE
Spanish), FR (–LOCALE French), HU (–LOCALE
Hungarian), IT (–LOCALE Italian), JA (–LOCALE
ja_JP—Primary Japanese encoding), JA.SJIS (–LOCALE
ja_JP—Secondary Japanese encoding), KO (–LOCALE
ko_KR), NO (–LOCALE Norwegian), PB (–LOCALE
pt_BR—Portuguese Brazilian), PL (–LOCALE
Polish), RU (–LOCALE Russian), SV (–LOCALE
Swedish), U8 (–LOCALE en_US—for
UTF-8 support), ZH (–LOCALE
zh_CN—Chinese), and ZT (contains
subfolders for traditional Chinese fonts supported in SAS). Most of
these folders contain a sasv9.cfg configuration file, which makes
the NLS-specific content available in SAS when SAS is invoked using
the language-specific SAS invocation script. Each language directory
contains a SASCFG subdirectory that
contains the SAS Registry and SAS Desktop data sets that are generated
during installation. This list is a snapshot of the SAS NLS subdirectories
for national language support. The list will include support for additional
locales when they become available.
contains predefined
SAS macros. See Using Autocall Libraries in UNIX Environments.
contains man pages and
utility programs. For more information, see The Utilities Directory in UNIX Environments.