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Tools for the System Administrator

Utilities in the /utilities/bin Directory

The following table briefly describes some of the tools in the /utilities/bin directory. You can use the UNIX man command for information about these utilities. You will need ROOT permissions to execute these commands.

Tools for the System Administrator
Tool Name Description sasauth module for site-specific authentication sasauth module for LDAP authentication sasauth module for PAM authentication
bdm batch driver monitor
cfgpeh stand-alone scramble command
cleanwork tool to delete any leftover Work and utility directories whose associated SAS process has ended
docsetup documentation setup utility invoked by the installer
elsconf tool to check ELS configuration
elssrv ELS server, tool to launch subprocesses application server configuration tool application server configuration tool application server configuration tool application server configuration tool
jproxy tool used to launch the Java facilities within SAS
ke2j double-byte input utility
ke2s double-byte input utility
kj2e double-byte input utility
ks2e double-byte input utility
loadmgr application lead manager
motifxsassm Motif X session manager
objspawn object spawner
patchname resets the name of the SASROOT directory in the specified executable file.
rbrowser remote browser server for the platform (only supported on Linux, but works on all other Motif platforms)
reshelper resource helper for X Windows
sasauth user identification and authentication utility
sasauth.conf configuration file for sasauth; specifies authentication module used and other options
sasm.elm.mime script for supporting e-mail from SAS
sasmailer script for supporting e-mail from SAS
sasperm user permissions utility
sastcpd TCP/IP access daemon
saswujms Japanese input server
setuid directory script to set some commands to run as root

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