Positioning an Inset

If a table of text is used as an inset within a 2-D overlay-type layout, you can position the table within the parent layout with options on the LAYOUT GRIDDED statement. You can use the AUTOALIGN= option to automatically position the inset to avoid collision with scatter points, lines, bars, and other plot components.
Alternatively, you can use the HALIGN= and VALIGN= options to position the table absolutely. The combined values provide nine possible fixed positions. The disadvantage of using the HALIGN= and VALIGN= options is that they do not attempt to avoid collision with other plot components.
The following example uses the AUTOALIGN= option to restrict the table position to one of the upper corners of the plot wall.
proc template;
define statgraph  ginset3a;
  entrytitle "Auto-positioning the Inset Within the Plot Wall";
  layout overlay;
   histogram mrw;
   layout gridded / columns=1 border=true autoalign=(topleft topright) ;
     entry  halign=left "N"       halign=right "5203";
     entry  halign=left "Mean"    halign=right "119.96";
     entry  halign=left "Std Dev" halign=right "19.98";

proc sgrender data=sashelp.heart template=ginset3a;
Using AUTOALIGN to position an inset
In this particular case there was not enough space to display the inset in the top left position, so the next position was used because it has no collision. With a different set of data, the inset might appear in the top left position. If both positions resulted in a collision, the position with the least collision would be used. You can specify an ordered list of up to nine positions for the AUTOALIGN list: TOPLEFT, TOP, TOPRIGHT, LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT, BOTTOMLEFT, BOTTOM, and BOTTOMRIGHT. For a scatter plot where "open" space is not predictable, you can specify AUTOALIGN=AUTO, which selects a position that minimizes collision with the scatter markers.
Note: The AUTO setting for the AUTOALIGN= option works best when the layout contains only scatter plots. When other plot types are present, the ENTRY text might overlap a graphics element in the plot area.
Outside Insets. An inset does not have to be placed inside the plot wall. This next example positions an inset in the sidebar of a LATTICE layout.
proc template;
 define statgraph  ginset3b;
  begingraph / pad=2px;
    entrytitle "Positioning the Inset Outside the Plot Wall";
    layout lattice;
      layout overlay;
        histogram mrw;
      sidebar / align=right;
        layout overlay / pad=(left=2px);
          layout gridded / columns=1  border=true;
            entry  halign=left "N"       halign=right "5203";
            entry  halign=left "Mean"    halign=right "119.96";
            entry  halign=left "Std Dev" halign=right "19.98";

ods html style=default;
proc sgrender data=sashelp.heart template=ginset3b;
Inset Positioned in a LATTICE Sidebar
By default, the background of ENTRY statements and a GRIDDED layout are transparent. So if the current style defines a background color and the inset does not appear in the plot wall, the style's background color is seen through the inset. You can make the background of the insert opaque and set its background color to match the plot wall color, as shown in the following code fragment:
sidebar / align=right;
  layout overlay / pad=(left=2px);
    layout gridded / columns=1  border=true
           opaque=true  backgroundcolor=graphWalls:color ;
      entry  halign=left "N"       halign=right "5203";
      entry  halign=left "Mean"    halign=right "119.96";
      entry  halign=left "Std Dev" halign=right "19.98";
Inset with Specified Background Color