A continuous
legend maps the data range of a response variable to a range of colors.
Continuous legends can be used with the following plot statements
when the enabling plot option is also specified.
A contour
plot provides the CONTOURTYPE= option, which you can use to manage
the contour display. The following graph illustrates the values that
are available for the CONTOURTYPE= option.
All of
the variations that support color, except for LINE and LABELEDLINE,
can have a legend that shows the value of the required Z= column.
For example, the following code generates a contour plot with CONTOURTYPE=FILL:
proc template;
define statgraph contour;
entrytitle "CONTOURTYPE=FILL";
layout overlay / xaxisopts=(offsetmin=0 offsetmax=0)
yaxisopts=(offsetmin=0 offsetmax=0);
contourplotparm x=Height y=Weight z=Density / name="cont"
contourtype=fill ;
continuouslegend "cont" / title="Density";
proc sgrender data=sashelp.gridded template=contour;
where height>=53 and weight<=225;
If you
change to CONTOURTYPE=GRADIENT you get the following output:
For a
FILL contour, the Z variable is split into equal-sized value ranges,
and each range is assigned a different color. The continuous legend
shows the value range boundaries and the associated colors as a long
strip of color swatches with an axis on it. The contour options NHINT=
and NLEVELS= are used to change the number of levels (ranges) of the
contour. NHINT=10 requests that a number near ten be used that results
in "good" intervals for displaying in the legend. NLEVELS=10 forces
ten levels to be used.
contourplotparm x=Height y=Weight
z=Density / name="cont"
contourtype=fill nhint=10 ;
continuouslegend "cont" /
You can
think of a GRADIENT contour as a FILL contour with a very large number
of levels. A color ramp is displayed with an axis that shows reference
points that are within the data range. The number of reference points
is determined by default.
When a
CONTINUOUS legend is used with a plot that uses gradient color, the
VALUESCOUNT= and VALUESCOUNTHINT= options can be used to manage the
legend's gradient axis. These options are similar to the NLEVELS=
and NHINT= plot options.
continuouslegend "cont" /
valuecounthint=5 ;
continuouslegend "cont" /
valuecounthint=10 ;