Evaluating Supplied Styles

Over fifty ODS styles are available for use with GTL graphs. These styles are stored in the SASHELP.TMPLMST item store under the STYLES directory. To list the names of all the supplied templates in the SAS Output window, you can submit the following program:
proc template;
 path sashelp.tmplmst;
 list styles;
Path Filter is: Styles

Obs    Path                         Type
 1     Styles                       Dir
 2     Styles.Analysis              Style
 3     Styles.Astronomy             Style
 4     Styles.Banker                Style
 (more )
You can also browse the styles interactively using the Templates window. To do so, issue the ODSTEMPLATE command to open the Templates window, and then select STYLES under the SASHELP.TMPLMST item store.
Viewing Style Definitions in the Templates Window
Some of the ODS styles have been around for a long time, before the introduction of ODS Graphics. All styles will work with ODS Graphics, but many of the older ones have not been fully optimized for ODS Graphics. Below is a list of recommended styles and a brief description of each.
  • white background
  • white wall
  • sans-serif fonts
  • color used for lines, markers, and filled areas
  • other colors the same as DEFAULT style
Graph with LISTING Style
  • gray background
  • white wall
  • sans-serif fonts
Graph with DEFAULT Style
  • white background
  • white wall
  • sans-serif fonts
  • contrasting color scheme of blues, reds, greens for markers, lines, and filled areas
Graph with STATISTICAL Style
  • light tan background
  • white wall
  • sans-serif fonts
  • muted color scheme of tans, greens, yellows, oranges and browns for lines, markers, and filled areas
Graph with ANALYSIS Style
  • white background
  • white wall
  • sans-serif fonts
  • gray-scale color scheme for markers, lines, and filled areas
Graph with JOURNAL Style
  • white background
  • white wall
  • sans-serif fonts
  • black-only scheme for markers and lines
  • no filled areas—a minimal ink style
Graph with JOURNAL2 Style