Adding an Inset to Each Cell

You can define a unique inset for each cell of the classification panel with the INSET= and INSETOPTS= options. The following graph builds on the last example by adding insets:
Adding Insets to a Classification Panel
proc template;
define statgraph panelinset;
 begingraph / designwidth=495px designheight=350px;
  layout datapanel classvars=(dose) / rows=1
         inset=(F PROB)
         insetopts=(textattrs=(size=7pt) halign=right valign=bottom) ;
    layout prototype;
      bandplot    x=days limitupper=uclm limitlower=lclm / name="clm"
                    display=(fill)  fillattrs=GraphConfidence
                    legendlabel="95% Confidence Limits";
      bandplot    x=days limitupper=ucl limitlower=lcl / name="cli"
                    display=(outline) outlineattrs=GraphPredictionLimits
                    legendlabel="95% Prediction Limits";
      seriesplot  x=days y=predicted / name="reg"
                    lineattrs=graphFit legendlabel="Fit";
      scatterplot x=days y=response /	 primary=true
                    markerattrs=(size=5px) datatransparency=.5;
    sidebar / align=top;
      entry  "Predicted Response to Dosage (mg) over Time" /
              textattrs=GraphTitleText pad=(bottom=10px);
    sidebar / align=bottom;
      discretelegend "reg" "clm" "cli" / across=3;
data trial;
 do Dose = 100 to 300 by 100;
  do Days=1 to 30;
   do Subject=1 to 10;
   Response=log(days)*(400-dose)* .01*ranuni(1) + 50;

proc glm data=trial alpha=.05 noprint outstat=outstat ;
 by dose;
 model response=days / p cli clm;
 output out=stats
        lclm=lclm uclm=uclm lcl=lcl ucl=ucl predicted=predicted;
run; quit;

data inset;
  set outstat (keep=F PROB _TYPE_ where=(_TYPE_="SS1"));
  label F="F Value " PROB="Pr > F ";
  format F best6. PROB pvalue6.4;

data stats2;
  merge stats inset;
proc sgrender data=stats2 template=panelinset;
In this template definition,
  • The INSET=(F PROB) option names two variables that contain the values for the F statistic and its p value. The INSETOPTS= option positions the inset and sets its text properties.
  • The OUTSTAT= option of PROC GLM creates a data set with several statistics for each BY value.
  • The DATA INSET step selects the appropriate three observations from the OUTSTAT data set. The F and PROB variables are assigned labels and formats.
  • The DATA STATS2 step creates a new input data set by performing a non-match merge on the STATS and INSET data sets. It is important to structure the input data in this fashion.
Adding Insets to Classification Panelsdiscusses this topic in detail and shows the coding for another example in which the inset information must align correctly in a multi-row and multi-column classification panel.