Sizing Issues

Row and Column Sizes

Unlike the LATTICE layout, the GRIDDED layout offers no way to control column sizes or row sizes. These sizes are determined by the contents of the cells. If only plots are used in the cells, the grid is partitioned equally based on the graph size. However, any individual cell in the grid might contain a legend or text. Consider the next two examples, in which the sixth cell of the grid is populated with a legend.
layout gridded /  columns=3 rows=2 columngutter=10 rowgutter=10;
  /* standalone plot statements define cells 1-3 */
     boxplot x=sex y=age;
     boxplot x=sex y=height;
     boxplot x=sex y=weight;

  /* overlay blocks define cells 4-5 */
     layout overlay; 
       scatterplot y=weight x=height / group=sex name="scatter" ;
       pbsplineplot y=weight x=height;
       entry halign=right "Spline" / valign=bottom;

     layout overlay; 
       scatterplot y=weight x=height / group=sex;
       loessplot y=weight x=height;
       entry halign=right "Loess " / valign=bottom;

  /* legend defines cell 6 */
     discretelegend "scatter" / title="Sex";
In this first case, the legend height and width are smaller than the default column and rows sizes, so the legend fits nicely into the empty cell.
Simple 3x2 Grid
However, this second case demonstrates that if the legend is larger than the default column width or row height, the legend size has precedence and the cell size is adjusted to fit the legend. The same thing might happen when ENTRY statements with lengthy strings are used in cells.
Simple 3x2 Grid with Wide Legend
Because of this behavior, you should consider using a LATTICE layout whenever you want to enforce uniform or user-defined column widths and row heights for the grid, regardless of cell contents. If this layout were changed to a LATTICE, the legend would be either omitted or clipped, depending on the setting of the DISPLAYCLIPPED= option of the DISCRETELEGEND statement.
Even when the GRIDDED layout does not contain legend or text statements, the plot-area size in a row or column in the grid might be changed by cell contents. Consider this three-cell GRIDDED layout with OVERLAY layouts defining each cell.
Three-cell Gridded Layout
Because the Y axes are duplicated across cells, you might try to conserve space by turning off the Y axes for the second and third cells. You can do this with the YAXISOPTS=( DISPLAY=NONE) option of the OVERLAY layout. Here is the result:
Once again, the three cells have the same size, but the plot areas do not because the cells that no longer display the Y axis have extended the plot areas into the space that formerly displayed the axes. Rather than using the GRIDDED layout, you can use the LATTICE layout to ensure that the three plot areas have the same size:
Three-cell Layout Using LAYOUT LATTICE
This graph was produced with LATTICE layout with an external axis. See Using an Advanced Multi-cell Layout for details.

Adjusting Graph Size

When defining the grid size, you will generally have some idea of a good overall aspect ratio for the graph. For example, if you are creating a one row by three column grid, the graph has a default aspect ratio of 4:3 and looks as follows:
Graph with 4/3 Aspect Ratio
The graph would look better if the graph height were smaller in relation to the width. You can establish a good default graph size in the template definition by setting the DESIGNWIDTH= and DESIGNHEIGHT= options in the BEGINGRAPH statement. After some experimentation, you might decide that something closer to a 2:1 aspect ratio looks good:
begingraph / designwidth=400px designheight=180px;
Graph with Approximate 2:1 Aspect Ratio
The DESIGNWIDTH= and DESIGNHEIGHT= options set the graph size as part of the template definition so that if you later want a larger or smaller version of this graph, you can use the ODS GRAPHICS statement rather than resetting the design size and recompiling the template. You need only specify either a WIDTH= or a HEIGHT= option in the ODS GRAPHICS statement. The other dimension is automatically computed for you, based on the aspect ratio that is specified in the compiled template by the DESIGNWIDTH= and DESIGNHEIGHT= options.
ods graphics / reset width=375px;
proc sgrender template=fitcompare;
Graph Width Set to 375 Pixels
If you provide both the HEIGHT= and WIDTH= options in the ODS GRAPHICS statement, you completely override the design aspect ratio. If the WIDTH= or HEIGHT= options are not specified, the design size is in effect.
Setting the DESIGNHEIGHT= and DESIGNWIDTH= options is highly recommended for all multi-cell layouts that contain plots. This recommendation applies to the GRIDDED, LATTICE, DATAPANEL, and DATALATTICE layouts.