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Introduction to SAS/GRAPH Statistical Graphics Procedures

Introduction to the SGPLOT Procedure

The SGPLOT procedure is optimized to display overlaid plots on a single set of axes. The procedure syntax supports the following features:

All of the plot statements that are used in the SGPLOT procedure share a single set of axes. You can customize these axes by using axis statements such as XAXIS and YAXIS.

The following images show examples of types of graphs that you can create with the SGPLOT procedure:

[SGPLOT Overlaid Series Plots]

This is an example of two series plots that are overlaid in a single graph. Each plot is assigned to a different vertical axis. Data labels and curve labels have been added for direct reference.

[SGPLOT Histogram and Density plot]

This is an example of a graph that uses a histogram, a kernel density curve, and a normal density curve.

For more information about the SGPLOT procedure and the procedure syntax, see The SGPLOT Procedure.

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