Move a Legend Inside or Outside a Plot

You can move a legend to the inside or outside of a plot. You can also position the legend in different areas inside our outside of the plot.
To move a legend:
  1. Right-click the legend and select Legend Properties from the pop-up menu. The Legend Properties dialog box opens.
    Legend Properties dialog box
  2. To move the legend inside the plot area, complete these steps:
    1. Select the Inside Plot Area radio button.
    2. Select the new position from the list box. You can position the legend along an edge, in a corner, or in the center of the plot. The list box has the following options:
      • Top
      • Bottom
      • Left
      • Right
      • Center
      • Top Left
      • Top Right
      • Bottom Left
      • Bottom Right
  3. To move the legend outside of the plot area, complete these steps:
    1. Select the Outside Plot Area radio button.
    2. Select the new position from the list box. The list box has the following options:
      • Top
      • Bottom
      • Left
      • Right
  4. Click OK.