Here is
the form you use to specify dynamic content:
DNAME is a name that you want to associate with
the text that is generated.
Note: DNAME follows SAS naming conventions. The name
cannot contain any special character other than “_”.
In addition,
DNAME must start
with an alphabetic character.
you have saved the graph, you can generate the graph using the SGDESIGN
procedure. In the SGDESIGN procedure, you specify the value for
DNAME with a DYNAMIC statement. When you generate
the graph, the SGDESIGN procedure substitutes
with the value that you specified
For example,
suppose that you want the title of a graph to vary by year. In ODS
Graphics Designer, you might specify the following title: “Revenues
for dyn(YEAR).”
When you
run the graph using the SGDESIGN procedure, you can specify
DYNAMIC year=”2009”
. The entire string
“dyn(YEAR)” is replaced with the specified value. In
the resulting graph, the title becomes “Revenues for 2009”.