Using the Style Editor

About Styles

The color schemes and visual attributes for a graph come from the active ODS Style. The style contains information about the various fonts used for different textual parts for the graph, such as titles, footnotes, and axis labels. The style also contains information about colors, marker shapes and sizes, line patterns, and so on. Styles are designed to create an aesthetic and effective graph that conveys information clearly and without clutter.
SAS supplies a set of predefined styles that can be used with the graphs. If you want to create a custom style, you can use the TEMPLATE procedure. Alternatively, you can use the ODS Graphics Designer to create styles. The designer provides an interactive Style Editor. The Style Editor shows the association between the different style elements and the different parts of the graph and provides an easier way to create a new style.

About the Style Editor

To open the Style Editor, select Toolsthen selectStyle Editor.
Style Editor
a list of element groups. A style is made up of elements that are organized in element groups. The Plot group is selected by default.
the list of elements that are in the selected element group. By default, these include all the elements that are used to draw the bars or markers of a plot. The GraphDataDefault element is selected by default.
the list of attributes for each element. By default, the list displays the attributes for the GraphDataDefault element. You can use the controls to change the values for the attributes, such as the color, marker symbol, and so on.
visual representations that show the relationships between various plot elements and the style elements. You can click on a part of the graph, such as the title, footnote, or marker, to see which style element controls a particular plot element. For example, click on the title and the GraphTitleText element is selected. You can then change the element's attributes.
Select a plot from the list to see its attributes.

Suggestions for Using the Style Editor

Use the Style Editor as follows:
  • Change an existing style by selecting the style in the Style list box. Then make your changes and save the style.
    You cannot save changes to the predefined SAS styles, but you can save them with a new name by using the Save as button. The new styles become available for use from the Formatthen selectStyle menu item.
  • Change the font attributes for titles, footnotes, and other text elements. Select Text on the left side of the dialog box to display text elements.
  • Change the attributes of style elements that are used for plots, backgrounds, gradients, lines, and other plot features.
  • To change an attribute, click the attribute. For example, when you click the Fill Color attribute, the attribute changes to a list box from which you can select a color.
    Fill Color attribute
  • The sample graphs on the right side of the dialog box show the default attributes for various types of plots. Select a plot from the list to see its attributes.