Running SAS/GRAPH Programs

Here are the environments and modes in which you can run a SAS/GRAPH program:
  • The SAS windowing environment provides a text editor for submitting programs, windows for the SAS log and SAS output, and many other facilities. For more information about the SAS windowing environment see Introduction to the SAS Windowing Environment in SAS Language Reference: Concepts in SAS Language Reference: Concepts
  • Interactive line mode enables you to submit programs one line at a time in response to prompts from the SAS/GRAPH system. In interactive line mode, the SAS/GRAPH program can display graphics output on your monitor as well as store the output in a file.
  • Noninteractive mode enables you to issue a SAS command that executes a SAS/GRAPH program that is stored in an external file. This mode is valid only in your current terminal session. In this mode, the SAS/GRAPH program can display graphics output on your monitor as well as store the output in a file.
  • Batch mode enables you to execute a SAS program (stored in a file) in a separate terminal session. In batch mode, the graphics output is not displayed on your monitor. In this case, your program must send the graphics output to a printer or plotter, permanent catalog, or an external file.
Note: Certain fonts called device-resident fonts are specific to the device being used and therefore are not portable between devices when running in batch mode. See GFONT Procedure and Using SAS/GRAPH Fonts for more information about using device-resident fonts.
Regardless of how you run your programs, SAS/GRAPH software applies ODS styles by default to your graphics output. For more information about ODS styles see Using ODS Styles, Device Parameters, and Options.
See SAS/GRAPH Output for more information.