Associates a viewport with a transformation number
Operating state: GKOP, SGOP, WSAC, WSOP
Default: llx=0, lly=0, urx=1, ury=1


return-code-variable=GSET('VIEWPORT', n, llx, lly, urx, ury);

Required Arguments

numeric constant or numeric variable name; specifies the transformation number of the viewport. Valid values are 1 to 20, inclusive.
numeric constant or numeric variable name; defines the x component of the lower left corner of the viewport; must not exceed the value of urx; cannot be less than 0. Units are based on percent of the graphics output area.
numeric constant or numeric variable name; defines the y component of the lower left corner of the viewport; must not exceed the value of ury; cannot be less than 0. Units are based on percent of the graphics output area.
numeric constant or numeric variable name; defines the x component of the upper right corner of the viewport; cannot be greater than 1. Units are based on percent of the graphics output area.
numeric constant or numeric variable name; defines the y component of the upper right corner of the viewport; cannot be greater than 1. Units are based on percent of the graphics output area.

Return Codes

This function returns:


The GSET('VIEWPORT', . . . ) function defines a viewport and associates it with the transformation number, n. See the TRANSNO for information about how to activate the viewport. See the WINDOW for information about how to define a window to be used within the viewport.