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Printing Your Graph

You can print your SAS/GRAPH output on hard-copy devices such as a printer. Regardless of the destination, you can create a hard copy of your graph in one of the following ways:

Sending Your Graph Directly to a Printer

You can send graphics output directly to a hard-copy device by sending the graphics commands directly to the device or to a device port. On most systems you can use any of the following methods to print directly to a device:

For detailed instructions on each of these methods, refer to the SAS Help facility for SAS/GRAPH.

Saving and Printing Your Graph

You can save your graph to a graphics output file, and then print the file using host commands. You can perform these two steps separately or combine them by incorporating the host printing commands into your program or graphics output device. In any case, you must choose a graphics file format that is compatible with your printer. For example, if you are using a PostScript printer, be sure to create a PostScript file using the appropriate device for the printer.

You can use any of the following methods to create and print a graphics output file:

For detailed instructions on each of these methods, refer to the SAS Help facility for SAS/GRAPH.

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