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The GFONT Procedure


Font Terminology and Characteristics

Some specialized terms are associated with font characteristics:

Font Characteristics Terminology

[Font Attributes]

Specialized terms are also associated with font types:

Here are examples of a filled font and an outline font.

Filled and Outline Characters from Polygon Fonts

[Filled and Outline Polygon Fonts]

In the GFONT procedure, the term line segment means a continuous line that can change direction. All font characters are drawn with line segments. The letter C is drawn with one line segment, while the letter A can be drawn with two.

Polygon characters can be drawn with one or more line segments. In a polygon font the following is true:

Storing User-Created Fonts: GFONT0 Libref

The GFONT procedure stores user-created SAS/GRAPH fonts in the location that is associated with the libref GFONT0. Before you create or display a user-created SAS/GRAPH font, submit a LIBNAME statement to associate the libref GFONT0 with a location where the font is stored, as follows:

LIBNAME gfont0 "SAS-data-library";

The GFONT0 library is the first place that SAS/GRAPH software searches for fonts. Always assign GFONT0 to the library that contains your personal SAS/GRAPH fonts. If you have personal SAS/GRAPH fonts in more than one SAS library, assign them librefs in the sequence GFONT0, GFONT1, GFONT2, and so on. The search for entries terminates if there is a break in the numbering sequence. If the libref GFONT0 is not defined, by default SAS/GRAPH software begins searching for fonts in SASHELP.FONTS.

To cancel or redefine the libref GFONTn, submit the following statement:


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