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Introduction to SAS/GRAPH Software

About this Document

This document provides reference information for all facilities, procedures, statements, and options that can be used with SAS/GRAPH. This chapter describes what you need to know to use SAS/GRAPH, and what conventions are used in text and example code. To gain full benefit from using this document, you should familiarize yourself with the information presented in this chapter, and refer to it as needed.


This document is written for users who are experienced in using the SAS System. You should understand the concepts of programming in the SAS language, and you should have an idea of the tasks you want to perform with SAS/GRAPH.


The following table summarizes the SAS System concepts that you need to understand in order to use SAS/GRAPH:

To learn how to Refer to
invoke the SAS System at your site instructions provided by the on-site SAS support personnel
use Base SAS software

use the DATA step to create and manipulate SAS data sets

use the SAS Text Editor to enter and edit text

SAS Language Reference: Concepts or SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
allocate SAS libraries and assign librefs

create external files and assign filerefs

documentation for using the SAS System under the operating system for the hardware at your site
manipulate SAS data sets using SAS procedures Base SAS Procedures Guide

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