Produce the vertical bar chart. The SUBGROUP= option creates a separate bar segment for each department. The INSIDE= option prints the subgroup percent statistic inside each bar segment. The OUTSIDE= option prints the sum statistic above each bar. The WIDTH= option makes the bars wide enough to display the statistics. The SPACE= option controls the space between the bars. The MAXIS= option assigns the AXIS1 statement to the midpoint axis. The RAXIS= option assigns the AXIS2 statement to the response axis. The LEGEND= option assigns the LEGEND1 statement to the subgroup legend. The CFRAME= option specifies the color for the three-dimensional planes.
proc gchart data=totals; format quarter roman.; format sales dollar8.; vbar3d site / sumvar=sales subgroup=dept inside=subpct outside=sum width=9 space=4 maxis=axis1 raxis=axis2 cframe=gray legend=legend1; run; quit;