Options Used in Examples

Output of Examples

For each example, the procedure output is numbered consecutively starting with 1, and each output is given a title. Each page of output produced by a procedure is enclosed in a box. Most of the output shown in this book is produced with the following SAS System options:

   options linesize=80 pagesize=200 nonumber nodate;

In some cases, if you run the examples, you get slightly different output depending on the SAS system options you use and the precision used for floating-point calculations by your computer. This does not indicate a problem with the software. In all situations, any differences should be minor.

Graphics Options

The examples that contain graphical output are created with a specific set of options and symbol statements. The code you see in the examples creates the color graphics that appear in the online (CD) version of this book. A slightly different set of options and statements is used to create the black-and-white graphics that appear in the printed version of the book.

If you run the examples, you might get slightly different results. This can occur because not all graphic options for color devices translate directly to black-and-white output formats. For complete information about SAS/GRAPH software and graphics options, see SAS/GRAPH Software: Reference.

The following GOPTIONS statement is used to create the online (color) version of the graphic output.

   filename GSASFILE ’<file-specification>’;

   goptions gsfname=GSASFILE   gsfmode =replace
            transparency       dev     = gif 
            ftext   = swiss    lfactor = 1 
            htext   = 4.0pct   htitle  = 4.5pct 
            hsize   = 5.625in  vsize   = 3.5in 
            noborder           cback   = white 
            horigin = 0in      vorigin = 0in ;

The following GOPTIONS statement is used to create the black-and-white version of the graphic output, which appears in the printed version of this manual.

   filename GSASFILE ’<file-specification>’;

   goptions gsfname=GSASFILE   gsfmode =replace
            gaccess = sasgaedt fileonly           
            dev     = pslepsf
            ftext   = swiss    lfactor = 1 
            htext   = 3.0pct   htitle  = 3.5pct 
            hsize   = 5.625in  vsize   = 3.5in 
            border             cback   = white 
            horigin = 0in      vorigin = 0in ;

In most of the online examples, the plot symbols are specified as follows:

   symbol1 value=dot color=white height=3.5pct;

The SYMBOLn statements used in online examples order the symbol colors as follows: white, yellow, cyan, green, orange, blue, and black.

In the examples appearing in the printed manual, symbol statements specify COLOR=BLACK and order the plot symbols as follows: dot, square, triangle, circle, plus, x, diamond, and star.