About SAS Application Themes for Flex

Introduction to SAS Application Themes for Flex

SAS applications display with the Flex interface that is provided by a particular version of SAS Application Themes for Flex. At start-up time, Flex applications load Flex themes automatically. A theme consists of SWF files that include cascading style sheets (CSS) files. The theme content is downloaded to the client, and is cached by the user's Web browser. As a result, during subsequent uses of the Web application, the theme content loads quicker than when it is initially loaded. The SAS Corporate theme is the default theme for SAS applications that use Flex themes.

Benefits of SAS Application Themes for Flex

Flex applications require SAS Application Themes for Flex, and the themes are downloaded as SWF files to the client's Web browser. Flex theme content runs within the Adobe Flash player and offers the following benefits:
  • SAS Application Themes for Flex coexist with SAS Web Application Themes. For example, SAS Information Delivery Portal 4.3 uses the default Web theme, but it displays SAS BI Portlets with SAS Application Themes for Flex.
  • Applications that use SAS Application Themes for Flex offer more visual impact and interactivity.
  • Improved visual impact and greater perceived depth are achieved through the use of skins. Skins are graphics that are applied to common user interface components in order to change their appearance. For example, the Corporate theme provides skins with a color palette that reflects the SAS visual identity. Skins also include some stylized graphics in the user interface.