When you use the SAS Theme Designer 2.4 for Flex,
it is important to understand the following points:
Not all aspects of an application’s
appearance are customizable. The SAS Theme Designer 2.4 for Flex
enables you to modify a rich, carefully selected subset of design
elements. The intent is to offer maximum visual impact with minimal
effort and minimal risk of unintended results.
You cannot use the SAS Theme Designer 2.4 for Flex
to affect the appearance of graphs.
This application is not optimized
for large numbers of themes or deeply nested hierarchies. It is intended
for occasional, highly targeted use.
This application does not offer
manual editing of a theme or direct interaction with configuration
files. For SAS Application Themes for Flex, SAS does not support direct
interaction with source files. All work should be performed from within
the SAS Theme Designer 2.4 for Flex.
This application does not offer
a step-by-step "undo" function.
This application does not offer
history or versioning of files.
You cannot alter, delete, or undeploy
any of the predefined themes provided by SAS.
You cannot hide a deployed theme
from anyone. All deployed themes are available to all end users in
all eligible applications.
You cannot preload a custom color
palette into the SAS Theme Designer 2.4 for Flex.