or [Levelroot]\Web\SASEnvironmentManager\emi-framework\bin
Some commands are for commonly used functions, and others are for
utilities or functions that are used infrequently. The following
commands are provided:
on any command to display the Help.
contains additional commands that are not documented in this chapter.
These commands are used by internal SAS Environment Manager processes,
and are not intended to be run separately. Do not run these undocumented
commands unless directed to by SAS Technical Support.
to initialize the EMI framework (provided as part of extended monitoring),
or to enable the ACM ETL, APM ETL, or solution kits ETL. Issue this
command as part of the process of initializing and enabling the components
of the Service Architecture. See Initializing and Enabling the Service Architecture for more information
about using this command.
emi_init(.sh|.bat) [-dfhisv] [(—–enable|—–disable)
<ACM,APM,ALL>] [—–vafeed <ON|OFF>] [—–resetDB
–f --resetDB
, you must restart your SAS Application
servers. If you do not restart the servers, logs are collected without
the original header information for the logs. In order for the ETL
process to be able to fully parse and characterize the contents of
the log files, the header information must be present.
if you want to run the processes manually or at another time. The
command runs the processes to extract the information from the SAS
logs and load it into the data mart. You can use a scheduler to issue
the command at a specified time to run the ETL processes at a time
other than the default. You can also issue the command yourself to
run the processes immediately. However, because the SAS logs roll
over at midnight, whenever the ETL processes run after midnight, they
always use the same data that was collected during the previous 24
master_apm_init(.sh|.bat) [-dhv -–evdebug <0–3>]
if you want to run the processes manually or at another time. The
command runs the processes to extract the ACM data and load it into
the data mart. You can use a scheduler to issue the command at a specified
time to run the ETL processes at a time other than the default. You
can also issue the command yourself to run the processes immediately.
master_acm_init(.sh|.bat) [-dhv -–evdebug <0–3>]
to validate the structure of the SAS Environment Manager framework
and to find any errors or changes. This command runs during the initialization
process to verify that the framework is correct before anything new
is added. The command has four levels:
validate(.sh|.bat) [-qvdh] [–l <1|2|3|4>]
[-p| -–userPolicy <IGNORE|WARN|ERROR>]
to create a machine-neutral bundle (TAR or ZIP) file of the SAS Environment
Manager agent. This script enables SAS Environment Manager to monitor
machines in your environment that do not have SAS deployed on the
machines (such as grid nodes, machines that contain databases used
by SAS, or machines in a Hadoop cluster).
agentClone(.sh|.bat) [-vdh] [–-javahome <javahome>]
[-–sasconfig <sasconfig>]
[-–sashome <sashome>]
[-t <Minimal|Select>] [–w <workingDir>]
to initialize the APM ETL processes. Manual steps are also required
after you run this command. See Enabling and Initializing the APM ETL for complete information about the initialization process.apm_init(.sh|.bat) [-fvdh -–hostAlias]
to manually create a SAS Environment Manager event. After it is created,
the event appears in the SAS Environment Manager Event Center.
createEvent(.sh|.bat) [-vdh] [-f <file>]
[–l <INFO|WARN|ERROR>] [–s <source>]
to create an HTTP check service based on the definitions in the file
httpChecks.json. This file contains all of the predefined HTTP check
definitions, but not all of these definitions are created by default.
To create one of the definitions:
{ "name": "HTTP Check for SASTheme_default", "desc": "[Auto-Generate] HTTP Monitoring URL: /SASTheme_default", "enable": "false", "method": "GET", "port": "7980", "sotimeout": "30", "platform": "ptnode19.ptest.sas.com", "path": "/SASTheme_default", "follow": "true", "pattern": "SASTheme_default" },
create_http_checks(.sh|.bat) [-fxvdh] [-t <taskfile>]
to install new solution kits.
ev_kit_installer(.sh|.bat) [-fvdh] [-k <kitname|ALL>]
exportDataMart(.sh|.bat) --deploymentID (altDeployment_ID)
--runID (altRun_ID)
to create and initialize a federated data mart. Run this script on
the machine that will host the federated data mart directories. After
you run this script, you must perform additional steps in order to
implement the federated data mart. See Creating a Federated Data Mart for instructions.fed_init(.sh|.bat) [-vdh] [-—resetDB]
– resetDB
option, the deleted data cannot be recovered.
to run a SAS program with the SAS autoexec and environment necessary
for the program to access the data mart and the EMI framework.
runSASJob(.sh|.bat) [-bdhv] [––args
<args>] [––autocall
<autocall_dir>] [––autoexec
<(BATCH|APM|KITS|STP) | <autoexec_file>]
[––config <config_file>]
[––evdebug <0–3>] [––log
<log_results_file>] [––nodms]
[––printfile <output_file>]
[––work <saswork_dir>]
[––workdir <working_dir>]
on the host deployment. After the files are in this directory, you
can run the updateDataMart script to load the data from the contributor
deployments into the federated data mart. By default, the script imports
all files that are in the LandingZone directory that follow the naming
convention SASEVDM_EXPORT#deployID#runID.tar.
updateFedDataMart(.sh|.bat) --inputfile (filename)
--altDeployID (override_ID)
ugipInit.(sh | .bat)