Version 1.0
Version 2.0
Compatible with server
versions prior to SAS 9.3 and SAS 9.3 or later servers.
Compatible with SAS
9.3 or later servers only.
Associated with a specific logical server, which can be a SAS Stored Process Server or a SAS Workspace Server.
Associated with an application server context, and can be run by either a SAS Stored
Process Server or a SAS Workspace Server. You can choose whether to restrict the server
type or
let the client application make the server selection.
Stores source code on the application server.
Stores source code either on the application server or in metadata.
Allows execution on
the specified application server only.
Allows execution on
other application servers or on the specified application server only.
Requires the *ProcessBody;
comment if they are running on a workspace server.
Does not require the
*ProcessBody; comment, regardless of which server is used.
Must use the stored
process server to produce streaming output.
Uses either the stored
process server or the workspace server to produce streaming output.
Data sources and targets
can be generic streams or XML streams.
Data sources and targets
can be generic streams, XML streams, or data tables.