to get the value of
the PriceIncludingTax target column.
Directly enter an expression
into an Expression field
You can create any type
of expression by entering the expression directly into an Expression field. The expression can be a constant or an expression that uses the values of
one or more source columns. For example, you can create a sample expression that writes
today's date
to a Date column in a target table. Perform the following steps:
Create expressions that use no source columns
Some transformations such as Extract, Lookup, and SCD Type 2 Loader provide an Expression
column in the target table. You can perform the following steps to enter an expression
into this column
that does not use source columns:
Create expressions that use a single source column
Assume that you want to define the value of a DiscountedPrice column in the target
by using the Price source column in an expression. This is possible if the discount
is a constant, such as
6 percent. That is, you might want to define an expression as
Price * .94 .
You could perform the following steps:
Create expressions that use two or more source columns
You can create a derived mapping that uses two or more source columns. Perform the
following steps: