The default name for a transformation's output table
is a two-level name that specifies the Work libref and a generated
member name, such as work.W54KFYQY. You can specify the name and location
of the output table for that transformation on the
Storage tab on the properties window of the temporary output table. Note that this location
can be a SAS library or RDBMS library. This has the added benefit of providing users
the ability to specify which output tables they want to retain and to allow the rest
to be deleted by default. Users can use this
scheme as a methodology for checkpoints by writing specific output tables to disk when needed.
Note: If you want to save a transformation
output table to a library other than the SAS User library, replace
the default name for the output table with a two-level name.
If you refer to an output
table with a single-level name (for example, employee), instead of
a two-level name (for example, work.employee), SAS automatically sends
the output table into the User library, which defaults to the Work
library. However, this default behavior can be changed by any SAS
user. Through the USER= system option, a SAS user can redirect the
User library to a different library. If the USER= system option is
set, single-level tables are stored in the User library, which has
been redirected to a different library, instead of to the Work library.