OPEN Function

Opens a specified file.

Category: External File
Returned data type: Integer
Note: The returned value is a Boolean value where 1= success and 0 = error.


fileobject.OPEN(<filename, openmode>)

Required Arguments


a string representing the name of the file to be opened. If the file does not exist, it is created. This parameter can be specified as a fixed string, field name, or expression.


[optional] a string representing the OPENMODE to be used. This can be specified as a fixed string, field name, or expression [a = append, r = read, w = write, rw = read and write].


The open method opens the file that is provided in the filename parameter. If the file does not exist and an OPENMODE is specified containing either an "a" or "w", then the file is created. If the OPENMODE is not specified, a value of false is returned.
When WRITEBYTES and WRITELINE methods write at the end of the file, unless SEEKBEGIN, SEEKCURRENT, or SEEKEND methods are used to adjust the position in the file, the information is written at the current position in the file.
If an OPENMODE of "w" is used, the WRITEBYTES and WRITELINE methods write at the current position in the file and potentially overwrite existing information in the file.


file myfile
if ("data.txt") ) then ...