Obtains an attribute from the last parse or extract function.

Category: Data Quality
Returned data type: Character
Note: The returned value is a token value from the parse or extract function. Returns true if the token value is found or false if not.


DQ.TOKENVALUE(<token string, output string>)

Required Arguments

token string

returns true if the token is found and false if the token is not found.

output string

a string that represents the value for that token.


The DQ.TOKENVALUE function is used to retrieve an extraction or parse result value. The first parameter is the token name. It returns the attribute stored in that token in the second parameter. It returns true on success and false on failure (for example, if the token was not found). This function follows a parse or extract function.


Example 1

data quality dq
string output
integer o
integer i
/* Initialize DQ */
dq = dq_initialize()
/* Extract using the "Product Attributes" Extraction definition (using QKB PD 2012A) */
o = dq.extract("Product Attributes", "DOOR RANCHERO WOOD 16X8 WHT")
/* print all of the tokens we got */
print (o & " tokens filled")
for i = 1 to o
     dq.token(i, output)
     print ("token #" & i & " = " & output)
     dq.value(i, output)
     print ("value #" & i & " = " & output)
/* to get a token's value by its name... */
dq.tokenvalue("Colors", output)
print ("Colors = " & output)

Example 2

/* Parse (using QKB CI 2013A) */
o = dq.parse("Name", "Mr. John Q Public Sr")
/* print all of the tokens available */
print (o & " tokens filled")
for i = 1 to o
     dq.token(i, output)
     print ("token #" & i & " = " & output)
     dq.value(i, output)
     print ("value #" & i & " = " & output)
/* Get a token value by the name. */
dq.tokenvalue("Given Name", output)
print ("Given Name= " & output)