SET Function

Sets values for items within an array. The returned value is the old value of the specified element in the array.

Category: Array
Returned data type: Integer


array name.SET(<n,"string">)

Required Argument

array name

is the name of the array that you declared earlier in the process.

Optional Arguments


is the number of the dimension that you are setting the value for; this can be specified as a numeric constant, field name, or expression.


is the value that you want to place into the array element; this can be specified as a string constant, field name, or expression.


The SET function sets the value of an entry in the array.


Example 1

// Declare the string array "string_list"
// Set the dimension of string_list array to 5
string array string_list
// Set the first string element in the array to "Hello"

Example 2

string array string_list
// sets the first string element in the array to hello