Development Strategies for Extension Nodes

Although the anatomy of an extension node is fairly simple, the fact that an extension node must function within a SAS Enterprise Miner process flow diagram requires special consideration. An extension node's functionality typically allows for the possibility that the process flow diagram contains predecessor nodes and successor nodes. As a result, your extension node typically includes code that is designed to capture and process information from predecessor nodes, and to prepare results to pass on to successor nodes.
Also, the extension node deployment process involves stopping and restarting the SAS Enterprise Miner server. Because software development is inherently an iterative process, these features introduce obstacles to development that aren’t typically encountered in other environments.
Fortunately, a solution is readily available: the SAS Enterprise Miner SAS Code node. The SAS Code node provides an ideal environment in which to develop and test your code. You can place a SAS Code node anywhere in a process flow diagram. Using the SAS Code node's Code Editor, you can edit and submit code interactively while viewing the SAS log and output listings. You can run the process flow diagram path up to and including the SAS Code node and view the Results window without closing the programming interface.
Predefined macros and macro variables are readily available to provide easy access to information from predecessor nodes. There are also predefined utility macros that can assist you in generating output for your extension node. In short, you can develop and test your code using a SAS Code node without ever having to deploy your extension node.
As a corollary to using the SAS Code node, it is often helpful to code in small blocks. This makes it easier to identify and debug any errors in your code. For example, an unbalanced parenthesis in a macro statement can cause your extension node to run indefinitely with no message printed to the log. In this case, as your amount of code grows, so does the amount of time that you need to find the unbalanced parenthesis.
The differences between a development and a run-time environment might not be obvious. For example, a user might develop macros in a 32-bit platform, but attempt to run them on a 64-bit platform. A more troublesome problem, though, is when extension nodes are developed in UNIX or Linux and then deployed in Windows, or in the opposite direction. In this case, PROC CPORT and PROC CIMPORT should be used to move catalogs between different operating systems.
After you have determined that your server code is robust, you need to develop and test the XML properties file. The XML properties file is used to populate the extension node's Properties panel, which enables users to set program options for the node's SAS program.