Right-click the
Scorecard node and click
In the
Confirmation window, click
In the
Run Status window, click
Maximize the
Statistics window. The Fit Statistics window displays
fit statistics such as the average square error (ASE), the area under
the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUR), and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov
(KS) statistic, among others. Notice that the AUR is 0.71203 for the
Validation data set.
When you finish analyzing
the fit statistics, minimize the
Fit Statistics window.
Maximize the
Scorecard window.
The detailed Initial Scorecard displays information such as the scorecard
points for each attribute, WOE, event rate (percentage of bad
applicants in that score range), percentage of population, and the
regression coefficient for each attribute. The
of Population is the percentage of bad applicants who
have a score higher than the lower limit of the score range.
When you finish analyzing
the Initial Scorecard, minimize the
Scorecard window.
Maximize the
Rankings Overlay window. By default, the
Rankings Overlay window plots the Cumulative Lift chart.
Recall that lift is the ratio of the percent of targets (that is,
bad loans) in each decile to the percent of targets in the entire
data set. Cumulative lift is the cumulative ratio of the percent of
targets up to the decile of interest to the percent of targets in
the entire data set.
For lift and cumulative
lift, the higher value in the lower deciles indicates a predictive
scorecard model. Notice that both Lift and Cumulative Lift for this
scorecard have high lift values in the lower deciles.
When you finish analyzing
Score Rankings Overlay, minimize the
Rankings Overlay window.
Maximize the
Odds Plot window. An empirical odds plot is used to evaluate
the calibration of the scorecard. The chart plots the observed odds
in a score bucket against the average score value in each bucket.
The plot can help determine where the scorecard is or is not sufficiently
accurate. The odds are calculated as the logarithm of the number of
bad loans divided by the number of good loans for each scorecard bucket
range. Thus, a steep negative slope implies that the good applicants
tend to get higher scores than the bad applicants. As would be expected
with the previous plot, as the scorecard points increase, so does
the number of good loans in each score bucket.
When you finish analyzing
Empirical Odds Plot, minimize the
Odds Plot window.
From the main menu,
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Plot. The
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Plot shows
the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistics plotted against scorecard cutoff
values. Recall that the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic is the maximum
distance between the empirical distribution functions for the good
applicants and the bad applicants. The difference is plotted, for
all cutoffs, in the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Plot.
The weakness of reporting
only the maximum difference between the curves is that it provides
only a measure of vertical separation at one cutoff value, but not
overall cutoff values. According to the plot above, the best cutoff
is approximately 180 (where the Kolmogorov-Smirnov score is at a maximum).
At a cutoff value of 180, the scorecard best distinguishes between
good and bad loans.
When you finish analyzing
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Plot, close the
Plot window.
From the main menu,
ROC Plot.
The ROC plot is a graphical measure of sensitivity versus 1–specificity.
The AUR (which is close to 0.71 for the validation data from the previous
Fit Statistics table) measures the area below each of the curves that
you see drawn in the plot. The AUR is generally regarded as providing
a much better measure of the scorecard strength than the Kolmogorov-Smirnov
statistic because the area being calculated encompasses all cutoff
values. A scorecard that is no better than random selection has an
AUR value equal to 0.50. The maximum value of the AUR is 1.0.
When you finish analyzing
ROC Plot, close the
Results window.