To specify code that
you want to run before the rule flow is executed, enter the code on
the Preprocessing step in the Add
a New Test window.
You can use the &BRMPrimaryTransactionDTTM
macro variable to specify a value that is recorded in the TRANSACTION_DTTM
field in the rule-fired data. Assigning a value to this field helps
you determine the exact input record that caused a rule to execute.
You can assign a term or a SAS expression to this macro variable.
Rule-Fired Table Fields for information
about fields in the rule-fired data.
The &BRMPrimaryTransactionDTTM
macro variable must resolve to a SAS Datetime value. If you assign
a term to this macro variable, the term must be of the type Datetime.
Expressions must resolve to a SAS Datetime value. For example, you
can use the DATETIME function to assign the current date and time
to this macro variable as follows:
%let brmPrimaryTransactionDTTM=datetime();