Post-Installation Configuration and Verification Steps

After you install SAS Decision Manager using SAS Software Depot, you must perform additional configuration steps before you can use SAS Decision Manager.
  1. Verify that all installation and configuration steps in the Instructions.html file have been completed. For more information, see Follow Instructions in Instructions.html .
  2. Create application users and assign permissions. For more information, see Create Users and Assign Permissions.
  3. (Optional) SAS Decision Manager supports the use of multiple SAS Application Servers to be used as part of a performance definition, a scoring test, or a model retrain definition. If you want to use a SAS Application Server other than the default SASApp, you must configure the other SAS Application Server using SAS Management Console. For more information, see Configuring a SAS Application Server.
  4. If the SAS Workspace Server is located in a UNIX environment, you must enable the SAS Workspace Server XCMD option in order to support R model functionality. For more information, see Enabling the SAS Workspace Server XCMD Option.
  5. During installation, if you cleared the Automatically create tables and load data then you must manually create and load the Oracle database tables for business rules data and modeling project metadata, including history, job definitions and job logs. For more information, see Create Oracle Database Tables.
  6. If the SAS Scoring Accelerator or SAS Model Manager In-Database Scoring Scripts products are a part of your SAS 9.4 deployment, additional configuration steps are required to prepare the database for publishing and scoring in SAS Decision Manager. For more information, see Preparing a Database for Use with SAS Model Manager in SAS In-Database Products: Administrator's Guide.
  7. Verify that the Certificate Authority certificate is available to the trust store for the browser and Java clients. For more information, see Verify the Certificate.
  8. Configure SAS Workflow. For more information, see Configuring SAS Workflow for Use with SAS Decision Manager.
  9. Verify the configuration of the dashboard reports directory on the SAS Workspace Server. For more information, see Configuring the Dashboard Reports Directory.
  10. Configure the Model Manager Java Services Options. For more information, see Configuring Model Manager Java Services Options.
For more information about post-installation tasks, see SAS Intelligence Platform: Installation and Configuration Guide.