Working with SAS Data Remediation Administration


The SAS Data Remediation Administration tab provides a work area where the administrator configures settings, sets access controls, and plans permissions within SAS Data Remediation views. The administrator sets up each application that interacts with SAS Data Remediation and includes the name of the application, subject areas, and issue types.
Note: SAS Data Remediation Administration tab is available only to users with administrator privileges, that is, either the Data Remediation:Issue Administration role or the Data Remediation View Application and Issue Administration capabilities.

SAS Data Remediation Administration Tab


To open the SAS Data Remediation Administration tab, click the Administration option under Data Remediation from the SAS Data Management Console. From here, you can add new client applications for data remediation or view and edit existing applications.
SAS Data Remediation Administration
SAS Data Remediation Administration
The toolbar at the top of the tab contains an Actions menu with the following options:
Add Client Application
adds a new client application used to interact with SAS Data Remediation.
opens the remediation record for client application.
removes the client application selected in the client application list.
refreshes the list of client applications.
About SAS Data Remediation
displays application version information.

Adding and Editing Client Applications

When the SAS Data Remediation Administration tab first opens, no applications are associated with the software. You can configure any client applications that you want to use within SAS Data Remediation. Alternatively, the first time an application uses the data remediation service, an association is made for the application if it does not already exist.
  1. To add an application to SAS Data Remediation, click Add Client Application
  2. (Optional) To edit an existing application, select the application in the application list
    SAS Data Remediation Administration
    SAS Data Remediation Administration
  3. Click Open Client Application.
After you add or open an application, a new tab opens with three sub-tabs: Properties, Subject Areas, and Issue Types.
Application Sub-tabs
Application Sub-tabs
The toolbar at the top of the tab contains an Actions menu with the following options:
saves changes to the application information.
refreshes information about the tab.
The Properties tab is displayed by default. The following sections describe the use of these tabs for adding or editing applications.

Properties Tab

The Properties tab displays the following fields:
ID [required]
a unique identifier. Once this field is saved, you cannot make changes to the ID.
Display Name [required]
the name that is displayed for the client application.
the description of the application.
the date on which the application was added to remediation.
Created by
the user name of the person who created the link to the application for remediation.
the date on which the application was last changed.
Modified by
the user name of the person who last changed the application information.
URL to notify of issue status
the URL invoked when issue status changes have been made. This does not apply to issues that are in a transitional status in the workflow. To achieve similar behavior from a workflow instance, the same user-supplied URL would have to be called from a workflow web service policy when the workflow status changes.
Allow dynamic creation of subject areas and issue types
enables applications to create subject areas and issue types through REST API web service calls. When this is disabled, subject areas and issues types must be defined first in this application before new issues can be created from external applications that refer to them.
No user interface configured
enables users to manage issues without a specific application selected. With this setting, no corrective action can take place on the data that originally contained the issue. Only issue tracking properties such as Importance or Assignee are enabled.
Application provides custom plug-in user interface (.swf)
specifies that an external application provides a web-based user interface when a value is set for the .swf file. You can fix issues in this interface.
One .swf for all issue types
selecting this option enables you to specify the location of one .swf file for all Issue Types that are defined for this application. The plug-in .swf issue code field, on the Issue Types tab, enables you to specify a form to present to the user if the same .swf file contains several form types.
Note: For SAS MDM, set the One .swf for all issue types field to
Leave the plug-in .swf issue code field, on the Issue Types tab, blank.
One .swf for each issue type
selecting this option enables you to specify the location of one .swf file for each Issue Type that is defined for this application. The plug-in .swf field, on the Issue Types tab, enables you to specify the full path for the .swf file associated with the issue.
Use default remediation UI and retrieve or send remediation item attributes and actions using HTTP
selecting this option enables you to specify a server that supports external REST web services. This option provides a simple edit form from which you can correct issues if an external set of REST web services is available to read and write data. When you choose to access an issue configured to use this option, the REST call is used to GET the external data, which is presented for editing. When you invoke the Save operation, the PUT web service is called to send the data back to the external application.
URL to retrieve item attributes (GET)
the URL invoked when SAS Data Remediation opens an issue to retrieve data from an external process. Design the custom REST web service so that the HTTP call that uses the GET function retrieves one data row.
URL to send item attributes (PUT)
the URL invoked when SAS Data Remediation accepts the correction and sends the data back to an external process. Design the custom REST web service so that the HTTP call that uses the PUT function takes data elements from one row in data remediation and sends it to the external process.
Use default remediation UI and retrieve/send remediation item attributes and actions using Data Management Server
selecting this option enables you to specify a Data Management Server.
Server address
the URL for SAS Data Remediation to access the Data Management Server used to retrieve and send remediation processes.
Real-time service to retrieve item attributes
the data service job in Data Management Server invoked when SAS Data Remediation opens an issue to retrieve data from an external process.
Real-time service to send item attributes
the data service job in Data Management Server invoked when SAS Data Remediation accepts the correction and sends data to remediation.
Note: If you encounter problems with the hostname in your URL, please contact technical support.
Click Refresh on the toolbar to refresh the Properties tab view.

Subject Areas Tab


The Subject Areas tab displays a list of subject areas that have been defined on this tab or defined through a web service call made by another application. A subject area is a way to categorize remediation issues. You can specify that only certain users are given access to a subject area. From this tab, you can also add subject areas to and delete them from the application. The Subject Areas tab is divided into three sections: a list of subject areas in the left pane, a Properties tab, and a Task Templates tab. The Properties tab is displayed by default.
Subject Areas Tab
Subject Areas Tab
The toolbar at the top of the tab contains an Actions menu with the following options:
New Subject Area
creates a new subject area in the subject areas list.
deletes a selected subject area from the subject areas list. Removing an application or subject area removes the associated packages and their contents.

Properties Tab

The Properties tab displays the following fields for the subject area selected in the subject areas list:
Name [required]
the subject area name. Once you save this name, you cannot change the field.
the description of the subject area.
the date on which the subject area was created.
Created by
the user name of the person who created the subject area.
the date on which the subject area was last changed.
Modified by
the user name of the person who last changed the subject area.

Permissions Tab

On the Permissions tab, you can set permissions for SAS Data Remediation users. You can also add and remove users. The list of available users here is the set of users added through SAS Management Console who have been assigned roles that use capabilities defined for SAS Data Remediation. Users defined in SAS Management Console who are not assigned a role using SAS Data Remediation capabilities do not appear in the list of users. Setting permissions grants or revokes access for a set of users for a given Subject Area. For information about SAS Management Console, see SAS Management Console: Guide to Users and Permissions.
Subject Areas Permissions Tab
Subject Areas Permissions Tab
The toolbar at the top of the tab contains an Actions menu with the following options:
Select Users
opens a dialog box that enables you to select users who have permissions on the selected subject area.
deletes the selected user from the list of users who have permissions on the selected subject area. You can select multiple users for deletion.
To select users:
  1. Click Add Client Application. The following dialog box appears:
    Select Users
    Select Users
  2. Enter characters into the search field. The list of users is filtered by the search criteria as you enter characters. Click Clear Search to clear the search field and restore the full list of users.
  3. Select or deselect users as follows:
    • To select individual user names, select the check box next to the applicable name or names.
    • To select all users, click Select All Users.
    • To deselect all users, click Deselect All Users.
  4. Click OK.
If no permissions are set, all users of SAS Data Remediation can see all data issues for a given Subject Area. If you choose to add users for a particular subject area, you are disallowing access for all non-selected users.
You can choose to assign Read-Only access to some users. To enable this, select the check box next to the user name once it has been added to the permissions table.
Subject Areas Permissions Tab
Subject Areas Permissions Tab

Issue Types Tab


The Issue Types tab displays a list of issue types identified by the application that you are currently viewing. Issue types are a way to categorize issues, making it easy to sort and filter a set of issues before working with them. Issue types can be associated with Task Templates. These templates are user-defined workflows that can be used to route issues to the right user or through the right process. From this tab, you can add new issue types to the application, edit existing issue types, or delete issue types. The Issue Types tab is divided into three sections: a list of issue types in the left pane, a Properties tab, and a Task Templates tab. The Properties tab is displayed by default.
Issue Types Tab
Issue Types Tab
The toolbar at the top of the tab contains an Actions menu with the following options:
New Issue Type
creates a new issue type in the issue types list.
deletes a selected issue type from the issue types list. Issue types cannot be deleted unless all issues that refer to that issue type have been deleted from the system by using Delete Package functionality. The Delete action is enabled only for issue types that meet this criterion.

Properties Tab

The Properties tab displays the following fields for the issue type selected in the issue types list:
Name [required]
the issue type name. Once you save this name, you cannot change the field.
the description of issue type
plug-in .swf issue code
this option is displayed only if, on the main Properties tab, you have selected both Application provides custom plug-in user interface (.swf) and One .swf for all issue types. The plug-in .swf issue code field enables you to specify a form to present to the user if the same .swf file supports several form types.
Note: For SAS MDM, leave the plug-in .swf issue code field blank.
plug-in .swf
this option is displayed only if, on the main Properties tab, you have selected both Application provides custom plug-in user interface (.swf) and One .swf for each issue type. The plug-in .swf field enables you to specify the full path for the .swf file associated with the issue.
the date on which the issue type was created.
Created by
the user name of the person who created the issue type.
the date on which the issue type was last changed.
Modified by
the user name of the person who last changed the issue type.

Task Templates Tab

On the Task Templates tab, you can view the workflow templates that have been uploaded through SAS Workflow Studio to the SAS Workflow server and activated. You can associate one or more task templates (workflow definitions) with the selected issue type. For more information about SAS Workflow Studio, see SAS Workflow Studio 1.3: User’s Guide.
Issue Types Task Templates Tab
Issue Types Task Templates Tab
The toolbar at the top of the tab contains an Actions menu with the following options:
Select Templates
opens a dialog box that enables you to select task templates (workflow templates) to associate with the issue type selected in the issue types list.
deletes the selected task templates associated with the issue. You can select multiple task templates for deletion.
To select templates, click Select Templates. The following dialog box appears:
Select Templates
Select Templates
You can click the box next to tasks to select them, click Select All Tasks to select all tasks, or click Deselect All Tasks to deselect all tasks.
You can require a user to address a remediation issue through a defined workflow. To enable this, select the Always require a task template to be used to resolve issues of this type check box. If this option is selected, when an external system creates a new remediation issue, it must provide the name of one of the approved workflow templates for the selected issue type. If a workflow template is not provided or is incorrectly specified, the issue is not created. Once the workflow has started, the workflow design provides additional menu actions.
If this setting is applied to an issue type after issues of that issue type have already been created in the system, those existing issues are not affected by the change. If this setting is disabled after issues have already been created and workflows have been started for them, the existing issues continue to use workflows while the new issue does not require them.
Issue Types Task Templates Tab
Issue Types Task Templates Tab

SAS Data Remediation Roles

SAS Data Remediation creates three new roles in SAS Management Console. These roles are tied to distinct capabilities in the data remediation application. Depending on assigned role of the user, the experience in SAS Data Remediation changes. Certain features are available to those assigned one role, but the same features are not available to users in another role.
Here are the roles for SAS Data Remediation:
SAS Data Remediation Roles
Default Groups
Data Remediation: Issue Administration
Data Management Administrators
  • View Application: The user can view packages, items, and issues.
  • Manage Tasks: The user can edit packages, items, and issues.
  • Issue Administration: The user can configure SAS Data Remediation applications, subject areas, and issue types.
Data Remediation: Issue Management
Data Management Stewards
  • View Application: The user can view packages, items, and issues.
  • Manage Issues: The user can edit packages, items, and issues.
Data Remediation: Issue View
Data Management Business Users
  • View Application: The user can view packages, items, and issues.

Configuring Reports for SAS Visual Analytics (Optional)

SAS MDM provides a remediation report that runs on SAS Visual Analytics using data obtained from SAS Data Remediation. The remediation report link must be properly configured for the report to work correctly. The person performing these configuration steps must be a SAS administrator.
To update the remediation report link:
  1. Log on to the SAS Management Console with administrator permissions.
  2. Click the Folders tab, and then navigate to SAS Foldersthen selectProductsthen selectSAS Data Remediation.
  3. Edit the URL Link stored process and replace the reference to localhost with the fully qualified host name corresponding to the SAS Data Remediation application.
  4. Log on to the SAS Visual Analytics Hub. You must have SAS Administrators permission.
  5. From the main menu, select Design Report.
  6. On the Design Report tab, select Filethen selectOpen.
  7. In the Open dialog box, select SAS Foldersthen selectProductsthen selectSAS MDMthen selectReportsthen selectRemediationReport, and then click Open.
  8. Click the Issue Details tab and edit Link to external URL: URL Link to replace the reference to localhost with the fully qualified host name corresponding to the SAS Data Remediation application
  9. Save the report.


Logs for SAS Data Remediation can be found on the application server that hosts it. They are typically found in a location similar to the following:
SAS Data Remediation
Other logs that might be useful for troubleshooting might not be on the same system as SAS Data Remediation. Examples are as follows:
SAS Workflow
SAS Metadata Server
Last updated: March 24, 2017