What’s New in SAS Data Remediation 2.3


The main enhancements and changes for SAS Data Remediation 2.3 include the following:
  • group-by functionality
  • remediation plug-in enhancements
  • overview portlet
  • saved preferences
  • reports for SAS Visual Analytics
  • documentation enhancements

Group-by Functionality

Static package, item, and issue view options have been replaced by a more flexible group-by feature. You can now group remediation issues by the following categories:
  • Issue type
  • Item
  • Item ID
  • Package
  • Package ID
  • Importance
  • Due date
  • Status
  • Assignee
  • Application
  • Subject Area
  • Age (Days)
Hierarchical views of package, items, and issues can still be viewed through the Package and Item elements in the Details panel for each issue.

Remediation Plug-in Enhancements

SAS Data Remediation supports application plug-ins from other applications that contribute issues to SAS Data Remediation. SAS MDM is one of those applications and its remediation plug-in has been enhanced in this release. All issues that seem to refer to the same item are collected at the top of the plug-in. This lets business users gain an understanding of related issues that might have been logged against the same issue on multiple dates. Edit form interaction has been improved and item data can now be viewed without acting on the issue itself.

Overview Portlet

A new remediation portlet is available in SAS Data Management Console. This portlet displays summary information for issues in the SAS Data Remediation database grouped by the following categories:
  • Type
  • Assignee
  • Importance
  • Status
  • Application
  • Subject Area

Saved Preferences

User-based preferences are now preserved between SAS Data Remediation sessions. The set of columns selected for viewing and the details panel, if visible, in the main issue view are saved as well as the last filter setting. When you return to SAS Data Remediation after having exited it, the settings of these elements remain the same. SAS Data Remediation settings for Maximum issues to display and Age display maximum have been moved to the Preferences panel in the SAS Data Management Console.

Reports for SAS Visual Analytics

SAS Data Remediation provides a report and associated metadata that enables data stewards and business users to gain more insight on the type and frequency of remediation issues in the SAS Data Remediation database. You can see issue summaries by type and assignee, dates of issue creation and remediation, and other important metrics that provide an overview of the issues managed in the application.
Note: SAS Visual Analytics, available as a separate offering, is required to view this report.

Documentation Enhancements

The SAS Data Remediation content that was previously available in the SAS MDM: User’s Guide has been moved to this document.
Last updated: March 24, 2017