Administer DataFlux Data Management Server Log Files

All of the service requests that are received by the DataFlux Data Management Server are assigned a unique request identification (RID). As the DataFlux Data Management Server processes a request, all log entries for that request begin with the associated RID. Log events that relate to security use a different format.
By default, a new server log subdirectory is generated for each server request. The default path to the log files is:
The default subdirectory name is defined as shown in this example:
20110804 is the date, 14.26 is the time, pid5072 is the process ID, and 034C24 is a unique Data Management Server request ID.
Use the following configuration options in dmserver.cfg to change the default logging behavior:
Configuration Option
The path to the directory where the server creates its working files and subdirectories. To change the destination directory, enter a new path. The default installation path is shown above.
Controls whether each server run creates a new log subdirectory. The default is No, which specifies that all log and work files are created in subdirectories. To disable creation of the subdirectories change this value to Yes.
To change the storage location or logging level for dmserver.log, open the file install-path\etc\dmserver.log.xml. To change the location of the log, change the option BASE/LOGCONFIG_PATH. To change the logging level, see Change Log Events and Thresholds.
Setting the DataFlux Data Management Server log to the TRACE level creates a memory leak.
Collecting server log entries at the TRACE level removes from use approximately 4 megabytes of memory for each 1000 HTTP service requests. To prevent memory errors, limit the duration of your TRACE sessions accordingly. Memory leaks do not occur at other levels of logging.
To change the encoding of your server log, set the configuration option BASE/JOB_LOG_ENCODING in the file install-path/etc/app.cfg. By default, the log is written in the encoding of the locale of the process that executes the job. For English-speaking organizations, the encoding can be LATIN-1 or UTF-8. If a log line contains characters that cannot be represented in the encoding, then the log line is not written to the log file.