The DataFlux Data Management Server is responsible not only for sending and receiving
SOAP requests, but also for monitoring the progress of all registered data management services. Job status information is available
in DataFlux Data Management Studio, and, when configured, in the Job Monitor add-in the SAS Environment Manager software.
On the Data Management Server, SOAP and WLP (web application logic) servers listen on separate ports. When the server receives
a job run request, the server
authenticates, authorizes, and sends the request to a threaded process. The process runs and executes the real-time data service,
real-time process service, batch job, or profile job. When the job is complete, the server sends data to the client and the
process is assigned to the next job run request.
You can preload processes,
spawn new processes, and enqueue job run requests as needed to customize
server performance for the dynamics of your enterprise. The use of
separate processes for job run requests enables robust error recovery
and effective distribution of processing across multiple CPUs.
The Data Management
Server handles the following processes:
Client queries the server to return
the names of available services. If the server receives a list services
request, the server simply queries the services directory and returns
the name of each found file.
Return requested input/output fields
for a specified service.
Pass data and macros to a service,
run the service, and receive output data and macros in return. When
the server receives a service request, it identifies an idle service,
sends data to the idle service, and listens for additional requests.
If an idle service is not available, the server will load a new service
into memory and pass the data or macros to the new service. The server
monitors the service progress; as soon as the service returns output,
the server sends the output back to the client application. If the
service fails for any reason, the server will terminate the service
process and return an error message to the calling application. After
a service completes a request, both changed and unchanged data and
macros will be reset to their default values.