Configure the Data Access Component (DAC)

The Data Access Component (DAC) allows the DataFlux Data Management Server to communicate with databases and manipulate data. The DAC uses Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) and Threaded Kernel Table Services (TKTS).
ODBC database source names (DSNs) are not managed by the DAC. In the Windows operating environment, ODBC DSNs are managed by the Microsoft ODBC Administrator. In the UNIX and Linux operating environments, ODBC DSNs are created with the dfdbconf tool and tested with the dbdfview tool. TKTS DSNs are managed by the DAC. TKTS DSNs stored in the DSN directory.
The DAC is configured with the following two options in the DataFlux Data Management Server’s app.cfg file. If necessary, the options can be moved to the macro.cfg file.
Default Value
install-path \etc\dftkdsn\
For more information about the app.cfg file, see the DataFlux Data Management Studio Installation and Configuration Guide.
For a complete list of Data Access Component options, see the DataFlux DataFlux Data Management Studio Online Help.