Control Access by IP Address

Specify the following configuration options to control access to the DataFlux Data Management Server by IP address. The options are specified in install-path/etc/dmserver.cfg.
Option Syntax
Description and Example
DMSERVER/IPACC/ALL_REQUESTS = allow IP-list-or-range |deny IP-list-or-range |allow all |allow none |deny all |deny none
Allows or denies the ability to connect to the DataFlux Data Management Server. If this option is not specified, then the default value is allow all. For example: DMSERVER/IPACC/ALL_REQUESTS = allow
DMSERVER/IPACC/POST_DELETE =allow IP-list-or-range |deny IP-list-or-range |allow all |allow none |deny all |deny none
Allows or denies the ability to post and delete jobs. If this option is not specified, then the default is allow all. For example:DMSERVER/IPACC/POST_DELETE =
DMSERVER/IPACC/NOSECURITY =allow IP-list-or-range |deny IP-list-or-range |allow all |allow none |deny all |deny none
Allows or denies the ability to bypass all security checks on the DataFlux Data Management Server. If this option is not specified, then the default value is allow none (no IP will bypass security checks). For example:
A list of IP addresses is formatted using blank spaces.
A range of IP addresses formatted with a hyphen character ('-') between the low and high ends of the range.
If any option value contains all or none, then any specified IP addresses are ignored for that option.