Browse Available Services and WSDLs

You can use a web browser to display lists of available data services and process services. You can also display definitions of available data services and process services. The definition files are formatted in the Web Service Definition Language.
You can configure your DataFlux Data Management Server to generate WSDL service definitions dynamically, in response to GET WSDL requests.
To use a web browser to display a list of available data services, enter an address in the following format:
As shown in this example:
To use a web browser to display a list of available process services, enter an address in the following format:
As shown in this example:
To use a web browser to display the WSDL of a data service, enter an address in the following format:
The path is the directory path in install-path/share/web/data-services.
The following example displays the WSDL of the data service named RAM.DDF:
To use a web browser to display the WSDL of a process service, enter an address in the following format:
The path is the directory path in install-path/share/web/data-services.
The following example displays the WSDL of a process service named RAM.DDF:
If a WSDL does not already exist for a data service or a process service, then one of the two things will happen. If the DataFlux Data Management Server is configured to generate a WSDL in response to GET WSDL requests, then the server generates a WSDL for display in the browser. Otherwise, the browser displays an error.
To generate WSDLs in response to GET WSDL requests, set the following option in dmserver.cfg: DMSERVER/SOAP/WSDL/GEN_ON_GET = yes.