Using the REPLAY Program

The REPLAY program replays an existing catalog entry to the Web browser. This program is used with Application Dispatcher programs that invoke the Output Delivery System (ODS) and with other programs that create output and retrieve it for later display. For details about ODS, see The Output Delivery System (ODS).
A sample invocation of REPLAY looks like the following URL:
The user must specify _SERVICE, _PROGRAM=REPLAY, and
If you are using the _REPLAY program with Microsoft Office, then you need to build a URL that uses the _OUTPUTAPP= parameter. Supported values for the _OUTPUTAPP= parameter include EXCEL, WORD, and POWERPOINT. For example, if you specify _OUTPUTAPP=EXCEL in the URL, then the content type for the replayed output is application/
If you need to specify the name of the file that the _REPLAY program returns, use the _CONTDISP parameter in the URL. The value of this parameter is returned as a content-disposition header.