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Compute Services Troubleshooting

Problems and Solutions when Using the RSUBMIT Statement

Invalid Option

The first time that you remote submit a PROC statement, you receive the following message:

 ERROR 2-12:  Invalid option.

The remote AUTOEXEC.SAS file contains an OPTIONS statement that has not been closed by a semicolon (;). To recover from the problem, add the semicolon (;) to the OPTIONS statement in the remote AUTOEXEC.SAS file.

Dialog Box Appears Despite NOTERMINAL Option Setting

Despite your setting the NOTERMINAL option to suppress the display of a dialog box in the server session, a dialog box appears when you use the RSUBMIT statement and the WAIT= option.

To prevent the appearance of a dialog box, specify the SAS system option NOFILEPROMPT in the server session.

Remotely Submitted Statements Following a Syntax Error Are Not Processed

When a SAS/CONNECT session is started and the NOTERMINAL option is set, the internal option SYNTAXCHECK is automatically set. If you remote-submit a statement that follows a syntax error, the statement is parsed but is not processed.

An example of the problem and recovery follows:

 data a; 
    do i=1 to 10;
 data b; 

Data set A is not created because of the syntax error that is caused by the misspelling of the word "OUTPUT". Data set B is not created because SAS is in syntax check mode from the previous syntax error. Only the DATA step will be parsed.

To prevent this problem, add the NOSYNTAXCHECK option to the server session SAS invocation options in the script file.

Square Bracket Keys Not Supported

You cannot remotely submit code that uses square brackets because the local computer's keyboard does not support these characters.

The less than (<) and greater than (>) symbols can be used in place of square brackets. Use < for the left square bracket ([), and use > for the right square bracket (]).

For OpenVMS, square brackets are usually used to delineate the directory name in a pathname. However, you can use < and > as equivalent delimiters. For example:

 libname sales 'disk:<sales.years.1991>';

No Terminal Connected to SAS Session

After remotely submitting code that generates a full screen, you receive the following message:

 ERROR:  No terminal connected to the SAS session.

SAS/CONNECT does not support remote submission of a window. You might be able to issue a LIBNAME statement, and use the windowing product in the client session while accessing the remote data.

Piping Problems

MP CONNECT pipeline processing can fail if the procedure that reads from the pipe (output pipe) finishes processing before the procedure that writes to the pipe (input pipe). The premature termination of the pipe causes the procedure that writes to the pipe to fail.

The error message varies according to the specific procedure that is being performed.

To prevent a pipe from terminating prematurely, assign sufficient processing time for each procedure by specifying the TIMEOUT= option in the LIBNAME statement. Furthermore, if the OBS= option in the appropriate procedure is used to limit the amount of data that is read from a large data set that is being written, processing will finish for the read procedure before the write procedure. To prevent the pipe from terminating, assign a longer timeout for the read procedure than the write procedure. For a program example, see Example 7: Preventing Pipes from Closing Prematurely.

Request for Setup of Link for Communication Subsystem Partner Fails

When you attempt to connect to a server session, you receive the following error message:

ERROR: A communication subsystem partner link setup request failure has occurred.

A possible explanation for the failure is that the spawner has not been started on the remote computer that you are trying to sign on to. For details about starting a spawner, see Communications Access Methods for SAS/CONNECT and SAS/SHARE.

Another possibility is that you have used the same task name for multiple jobs that you have submitted for asynchronous processing on the same host or on a different host across the network. Task names must be unique.

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